Monday 4 March 2013

The waistcoat constructed

I have had a lot of fun creating the waistcoat. I had a limited time span of 10 hours to produce it in as I only had the manikin for this amount of time, but this proved to be long enough. I had a lot of trouble with the overall smoothness of finish of the waistcoat. I soon realised that there is a reason why people make clothes out of fabric and not paper! You cannot edit clothes in the same way that you would with fabric. It is really hard not to get the paper to crease, and for the shapes that go on top to bubble. However, I got there in the end. This is the final result. I am really happy with the outcome of it. I think it looks really interesting. I dont mind if I do not actually use the waistcoat in my final design ideas, I think it will look really striking in my portfolio as something cool that I have made. 

I have the photos that I have taken on the manikin  however I would ideally have liked to have taken photos of the manikin on a person. This can no longer be done as the paper waistcoat has got damaged (through no fault of my own) and has creased. It cannot be rescued and I cannot remake the waistcoat as I cannot get hold of the manikin again. However, I do still have the photos which I am happy with. I think that I took the photos in a decent light with a quality camera and powerful flashgun, and therefore I still have good quality images to work with. 

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