Sunday, 24 February 2013

constructing a futurist styled waistcoat

I am going to produce some waistcoat ideas in the style of the futurists waistcoats. Fedrigoni wrote in the brief that they wanted to play on the idea that printers are generally overly smartly dressed. I know that I have concluded that that is not strictly true, but this is a way of getting around this and giving Fedrigoni what they want. I am looking at smart dress wear, but mainly I am playing on the Futurist aspect and the fact that Marinetti made his own waistcoats.

These three waistcoats have been designed by using my art posters as the patterns. I wanted a consistant set that works with my art pieces, however I do not think that they work very well. The shapes are too large and are intended for an a1 poster, not for a waistcoat. You loose detail in the work that should be included in the piece to give it an overall balance. Also, they do not really look anything like the origional. I need to be more dynamic in my approach to the designs. They need to be more complex in design and have more shapes that overlap.

This is a waistcoat that I have designed from scratch. I think that it is effective because it uses the smaller shapes that create a more complex pattern than in my previous attempts at it. This is the waistcoat idea that I will continue forward in my exploration of design. I actually want to make this waistcoat. I cannot get hold of really vivid paper colours like I would ideally need, however I am able to get quite close in the Daler and Rowney Camford paper selection. I will make the waistcoat out of this paper. It will not look as striking as if it was made out of Fedrigoni paper, however my budget does not allow me to use Fedrigoni paper. I have brought a waistcoat that I have disassembled so that I can get the flatplan of the waistcoat that I am going to construct. I am now just waiting on the male manikin so that I can create the waistcoat. It should be fun to create, but I have to make sure that the craft level is extremely high. I must be using sharp knives at all times, and make sure that the piece holds together well. I will use double sided tape to stick the paper pieces together as this will create a firmer bond. When completed, I hope to photograph it and use it in potential poster designs. 

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