Sunday 17 February 2013

Italian Futurism

I really like Italian Futurism. The work has such dynamism and uses such a fantastic colour palette  The colours are rich and vibrant and the way that they played with perspective is particularly 
interesting. Their artwork reflects movement and speed in such a unique and interesting way. 
Perhaps this is an interesting angle to take for my Fedrigoni project. Perhaps I should be exploring the notion that Fedrigoni are a futuristic paper that has properties that no other paper supplier has because they are forward thinking and moe advanced than any other paper manufacturer? The dynamic lines through the composition and the repetition of lines and shapes to create perspective are what I am 
going to focus on when exploring how I could use this research in design work. 

The above image is really interesting. The way that the background is conveyed shows such dynamism. The geometry and form are really angular and the final image is visually stunning. 

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